Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Artist Book The Sorry Tale

Continuing my mission to bring poetry to audiences of visual art and Visual Art to readers of poetry

Two prints from the folio The Sorry Tale

The Australia Council funded project The Sorry Tale is taking shape as a script, a verse novel and now I have printed extracts onto sheets that will be part of a folio to be exhibited at the NightLadder Collective exhibition 'In the Works' at the Webb Gallery, QCA Brisbane in July 2019. The images are a combined print/drawing process taken from digitised slides taken by my seaman father in the 1960s and 1970s.

In Fiona Dempster's Letterpress studio printing extracts from The Sorry Tale

the title block for the artist book

Fiona adjusts her press

Proofing extracts from The Sorry Tale prior to adding to the already printed images

Friday, February 8, 2019

Views from the Writing Studio at KSP Writers Centre during a Published Authors Residency

There is a waterbowl for the birds outside Katharine Susannah Pritchard's writing cabin. I have seen 28 parrots, Wattlebirds and a Common Bronzewing Pigeon that have visited the garden during my residency.

The view from the writing desk with Perth on the horizon. It's been a very productive week with work done on my OzCo funded Verse Novel The Sorry Tale of the Mignonette