A Visual Essay about the artist book Not Thinking about the Circus at the Circus is now available to download at https://axonjournal.com.au/
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Gwenn Tasker and Angela Gardner, both part of the NightLadder Collective, went to a circus performance in 2015/6 at the Brisbane Powerhouse during which Gwenn drew and Angela wrote. The performance was in the round so everything was happening at once and it was impossible to focus on one thing without losing sight of another. In 2021 Gwenn developed the drawings from that night using etching, relief printing and monoprint. Angela added the poem Not Thinking About the Circus at the Circus (published Rochford Street Review, 2016 and the collection Some Sketchy Notes on Matter, Recent Work Press, 2020) in acrobatic sweeps following the movement of Gwenn's images using hand stamped letters. The format of the book - a very long concertina with additional tipped-in pages - echoes the sinuous, unconstrained movements and the simultaneous feel of a performance of physicality and playfulness.
Very excited that our artist book "Not Thinking About the Circus at the Circus" has been chosen for the Libris Artist Book Award 2022. Exhibition dates 9 April - 19 June 2022 at ArtsSpace Mackay. Proud to be part of this fabulous line-up chosen by judges Adele Outtridge and Brian Robinson.
Saturday, September 4, 2021
Friday, May 15, 2020
New visual work from the Frans Masereel residency
Sunday, April 26, 2020
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Auguri! Angela and thank you so very much--we're deeply gratified to have "Waiting for the Rain" for The Yale Review. https://yalereview.yale.edu/ |
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Two prints from the folio The Sorry Tale
Friday, February 8, 2019
Views from the Writing Studio at KSP Writers Centre during a Published Authors Residency
Monday, April 23, 2018
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Australia Council Arts Project Grant awarded 2018 to research and write a Verse Novel
I'm off to the UK in September to start the research.
Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript 2018
Some Sketchy Notes on Matter shortlisted for the Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript 2018
from the Judges comments:
With a hovering intelligence and a laudable lack of ego, the beautifully controlled poems of ‘Some Sketchy Notes on Matter’ investigate the world with an ecstatic’s eye.
perth festival dorothy-hewett award 2018
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
NightLadder Collective Exhibition Connect-ed at Brisbane Institute of Art Oct 2017
Showing three of my works Thirteen Meditations on the Untranslatable, MAENAD: Manifesto, and Index.
In all of my works in this exhibition I am interested in text and image and notions of manuscript. Each of the three works offers a different aspect of the relationship. INDEX is an artist Book handwritten in ink on double sided pages, however the form of the book (a concertina bookended by two Witches Stairs) deliberately makes it impossible to read the words. Maenad – MANIFESTO is an altered book, the first in the MAENAD series. It is deconstructed from its original form (Maquarie Dictionary) and repurposed so that the opened pages move from a reading as text (book) to its possibility as image (ink on paper displayed on a gallery wall). My selection of specific words offers a critique of the historical moment in which we are living. In Thirteen Mediations on the Untranslatable seriality offers a method to contemplate the temporal. The unique-state, bleed etchings are contemplative, enigmatic and uncontained, deliberately at a scale to draw the viewer in to personal encounter. The work consists of thirteen etchings and a thirteen stanza poem.
Thirteen Meditations, published by Axon: Creative Explorations, materiality, creativity and material poetics (2018). https://www.axonjournal.com.au/issues/8-1/thirteen-meditations-untranslatable
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Pleasure/Demolition by Caren Florance
Working Papers a collaboration with Caren Florance
Reading Spaces Exhibition East Space Gallery Canberra
Writer in Residence Canberra September 2019
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Monday, November 23, 2015

Scape - a visual response to the poetry of Angela Gardner has been showing at the Brisbane Institute of Art. Really enjoy it when poetry enters galleries and visual art responds to poetry. The work shown by The Collective was sensitive, enquiring and thoughtful. It was wonderful to read my poetry to an enthusiastic crowd of gallery goers.
Friday, May 15, 2015
‘Last Flight’ artist book from the ‘Conflict in History’ Residency at Manly and Sheffield
Now selected for
5th Sheffield International Artist Book Award – Bank Arts, Sheffield UK, Oct 2015
(This artist book was lost in-transit to the Sheffield and had to be withdrawn. Last known whereabouts Sheffield Post Office - isn't tracking marvellous - now I know where it is lost!)
Thursday, February 12, 2015
artist book interference with Caren Florance at Brenda May Gallery
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Artist Book 'Intention' part of ‘Conflict in History’ Residency
Artist Book Last Flight, part of the 'Conflict in History Residency'
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Extract from my artist book 'A Quiet Voice' published in APJ
rochford street review on the concrete issue of australian poetry journal
Launch dates announced for Vagabond Press Decibel series
Monday, April 2, 2012
Swung Weight Poetry Broadsheet

Huge thanks to Caren Florance of Ampersand Duck who gave me studio time and her clean hands while I typeset the poem Swung Weight in Garamond English 12 point with title in Castellar 24 point and clouds in random woodtype. Incredible fun as always, relaxed, intelligent, generous and skilled...oh and the music in the studio keeps everything moving. Swung Weight will be published in due course by Ampersand Duck.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Poems in Cordite
Look out for my two poems "Animal Light" and "We Are Called"
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Readings Carlton
309 Lygon Street, Carlton VIC 3053 (03) 9347 6633
on 11 July 2011 at 6.30pm
Pages + Poetry is Readings Carlton's monthly poetry night. It happens on the second Monday night of the month and is curated by Melbourne poet, Luke Beesley.
There will be wine, and we start 630pm sharp ...myself and...
Petra White is a Melbourne poet. Her first book, The Incoming Tide, John Leonard Press (2007) was shortlisted for a Queensland Premier’s Prize. Her second book, The Simplified World (2010), was joint winner of the Grace Leven Prize for Poetry.
Jamie King-Holden lives in Geelong and studies literature at Deakin University. Her first book of poetry, 'Chemistry' was published by Whitmore press (2011). Jamie co-edits the literary zine 'Windmills.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Brisbane Floods
to read more: London Review of Books.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Big Print in Canberra

Congratulations to Ampersand Duck and byrd for their work on Big Print. See images here. It is wonderful to see words from my Notes to Architects being used in the installation BIG PRINT, Megalo @ the Fitters Workshop, Kingston (Canberra ACT). Large scale printworks by 8 artists. Open 15-17 October 2010.